How I Learn Code

How I Learn Code

In this Blog You see How I learn c language and Html

My Journey To Learn C

1st I find a tutor for me to learn C and I learn printf and scanf functions in c language. And I print my name on the print function and I learn about data types And good thing is My tutor not focused on only int focused on all data types like float and double. But He not focused on Bool data type. And I learn about if statements and for loop and create a various program in if statements or for loop like registration or print a to z number in loop or find greater or small number. and I learn about header. ANd I quit coaching because I not have enough money to pay her.

My Journey To Learn HTML & CSS

I learn HTML easily because I learn C. And in HTML I learn various thigs about heading , paragraph , form , label , table. And I create portfolio on HTML. But good thing was I Buy Angela yu udemy course of full stack web development I easily learn HTML She is greate developer or tutor. And I create various web based on HTML.

My Journey To Learn CSS

I easily learn css because Its very easy If you good in english or Maths I promised You master css in my full-stack udemy course I learn abolut css and I master CSS. Discalme - It's not udemy or Angela Yu sponser. I only Praise to Udemy courses. The CSS is work like desginer for webpage. And I create various website to help with CSS.

My Journey To Learn JS

JS is hard for my is very difficult language for me because My tutor is Teach me in very bad way. And I Learn JS in 1 year. And I create various JS program. And In these days I learn React JS.

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