Top 5 Projects

Top 5 Projects

In this Blog you see 5 projects if you make this 5 projects with the help of programming thne you hired.

***Warning - this project was find through the internet***

1. A website

Creating a website would be a great project if you’re interested in web development.

Personal blog

The simplest project you could start with is a blog or a personal portfolio.

You could use any content management system (CMS) to build your website – you could use Squarespace, Wix, or WordPress. The most cost-effective option is WordPress as it’s completely free. You’ll only have to spend on the domain, hosting, and any third-party plugins if necessary.

The basic programming skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would come in handy to create a personalized web experience.

If you create a personal portfolio, you could easily demonstrate the other programming projects on the website so that it will be easier to send it to the recruiters. Make sure the website you create is mobile responsive.

E-commerce and other commercial websites

If you’re particularly looking for a career in web development, creating a basic e-commerce website would add a lot of value.

In this project, you’ll use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn product integration techniques, add to cart, check out, and payment gateway integration.

Also, consider creating a listing website for real estate, used car selling website, or garage sales, which could even turn out to be a side hustle if you could bring in some traffic.

2. A game

Games are a great way to showcase your understanding of basic logic and algorithms.

Based on your interest and requirement, the type of games you should be creating would be different.

For example, if the sole purpose of including a game in your project portfolio is to showcase your basic JavaScript skills and related soft skills, we would suggest you create a simple Tic Tac Toe, Hangman, or Rock Paper Scissor game.

If you’re planning to apply for a major game development firm, that won’t be enough. Then you should use C++, Python, and JavaScript to create more complex games – you could start with a Chess game or Snake game.

Though creating more sophisticated games with 3D characters and storylines takes more time and resources, if you’re interested, you could create one with a game engine software like Unity, CryEngine, Godot, or Unreal Engine may be as a group project.

3. A mobile application

If you’re interested in developing mobile applications for Android and iOS, having a couple of projects on your portfolio would be important.

You could showcase your technical skill in Java with Android app creation and Swift is a robust open-source programming language created by Apple to develop iOS applications.

Start with simple mobile applications such as a calculator, To-Do-List, Daily Planner, or a task management software and eventually move into more complex programming projects such as a listing app, messaging app, or a simple mobile shopping app.

Be creative. Think about a concept that you’ll throw your money to make an impulsive purchase decision on your app store or play store. If you as a user value it, there’ll probably be many people who think it is useful.

Check on platforms like Quora and Reddit to learn what people talk about in terms of their needs. Create an application to solve such a problem.

Top firms need top talent who make creative developments with their technical skills.

4. A data analysis model or data forecasting model

Data analysis or data forecasting models are not generic applications. Thee are very specific to a problem an organization or a project face.

Therefore, the solution is also a unique one.

You’ll be able to showcase your understanding of basic statistics, data structures, math, logic, and machine learning algorithms in coding such a program.

Python, C, and C++ are excellent programming languages to develop data models – data analysts will use SQL to communicate with the database.

5. A chatbot

Chatbots are widely used on corporate websites, mobile applications, and social media pages to save time on repetitive communication.

If you’re to create a chatbot, you need to collect the right data to feed into the AI and test them to train it.

You can use any popular programming language including Python Java, and PHP to create one.

Choosing a suitable algorithm would be important here. Some of the popular algorithms used to create chatbots are Markov chains, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Support Vector Machines, and Decision Trees.

These are projects with great commercial significance and the hiring manager would love to explore more about you.

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